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The humidity level in the air of your home is a vital piece of the puzzle for the common cold and flu. Did you know that your family’s health and the humidity levels in your home go hand-in-hand? If you answered no to that, you are not alone.

Humidity levels during the winter season should range between 30 and 40 percent, while summer season, it can be as much as 50 percent. These percentages will help combat mildew, bacteria, and mold as well as keep the dust mite population at bay.        

Aside from the slightly large humidifiers, you grew up with; there are other techniques to Increase the Humidity in Your Home. Other than your families health, stabilizing the humidity can benefit more than most homeowners are aware. If the humidity levels are low in your home, it will not be long until someone in your family suffers from dry air allergy symptoms.

This article will not only enlighten you on smart ways to increase the humidity, but it will also help you in choosing which humidifier is right for you.

Problems Due to Low Humidity

a man wearing printed black polo shirt who sneeze

Many things can go wrong if the humidity level is low in your home. The following are problems low levels can cause you and your family.

Comfort and Health:

If the humidity level in your home is low, you will notice issues such as dry, itchy skin. You will probably even notice chapped lips and a sore throat when you first wake up. Low humidity levels can also dry your mucous membranes. If you are your family has asthma, low humidity can cause serious health problems.

If you notice that you get shocked after you walk across carpeted floors or have dry skin, this could be due to the humidity level. 

Woodwork Damage

Low humidity levels can be the reason you see damage with the following:

  • Cabinets
  • Doors
  • Wood Floors
  • Fine Wood Furniture

Other damage such as warping and splitting at different places and cracks in your wallpaper and artwork.

Increased Energy Bills

a person wearing black shirt holding a red card that covers her face which relates to increase energy bills

When the humidity level is low in your home, it tricks your body into feeling colder even when the temperature is the same. The strange sensation leads to you feeling cold with the same air temperature which tends to make you turn your heat up leading to increased utility cost.

Ways To Raise the Humidity in Your Home

a child with a approve pose which relates to ways in raising humidity in home

Once you learn the repercussions of having a low humidity level, it is time to take action to increase these levels. The following are suggestions on how to humidify a room naturally, so you and your family have a healthier environment. 

When showering, instead of turning your bathroom exhaust fan on, use a room fan to spread the damp air out into other rooms of your home.

two collage fans which is exhaust fan and room fan

Not only are you are increasing the humidity level, but you also save money by not turning your heat up higher.

  • When you have dishes in the dishwasher instead of running it through the drying cycle, open the door to let the dishes air dry. The steam from the wash cycle will escape into the air in your kitchen. Once again, you are adding moisture to the air and saving on energy.
  • Best humidity for plants is to keep your houseplants watered and spray them with a mist of water throughout the day.
  • Put water in shallow pans and place them near your sunny window and vents.
  • Use a spray bottle and mist the air throughout your home. To prevent damaging your beddings, furniture, and carpets, only spray what can quickly evaporate. 
  • Use a room-style humidifier.
  • The best solution is having a whole-house humidifier installed in your Reno or Sparks home.

Room-Style Humidifiers

If you have a single room such as a bedroom that you need more moisture in the air, a room humidifier is what you need. These types are portable and require that you add water continually and are the leader in improving low levels of moisture.   

Amazon is an excellent shopping source with several types, models, and price ranges to fit most budgets. The following are the four basic styles of room humidifiers.

Evaporative Humidifiers

Evaporative humidifiers are the simplest is design and the most common that offer a basic level of features and service. This type humidifier has three basic parts; a wick, fan, and reservoir.

The wick is a material that is absorbent and draws the water from the reservoir that provides a large area for it to evaporate. The fan’s job is to blow enough air on the wick that assists in the water evaporation.


The vaporizer model boils water to release moisture through steam into the air. Medicated inhalants are often added to the steam vapor to reduce coughing.

The Vaporizer tends to be the more popular style over the evaporative style due to impurities in the standing water in the reservoir. However, boiling water uses significantly more energy than the other room humidifier styles.

Ultrasonic or Cool Mist 

The ultrasonic humidifier often called a “cool mist” humidifier, does not use steam or a wick. Instead, it uses a small metal diaphragm that vibrates at ultrasonic frequencies that break the water into tiny water droplets. 

Moreover, then when the fan blows the droplets, they turn into a fine vapor mist. These humidifiers use very little electricity and are relatively quiet. This model also does not require a replacement filter if you use distilled water.

Impeller Humidifier 

An impeller humidifier is the least conventional humidifier. It has a rotating disc that casts water at a diffuser that turns the water into fine condensation that floats into the air.

Conclusion: It is time to raise the humidity

Whether you choose to use a humidifier to increase the humidity in your home or not, you can always put these tips to use. Winter season brings with it harsh temperatures that reek havoc on you and your families health, so it is vital that you do your part to keep illness away.

To keep your room humidifier correctly operating, it is crucial that you clean the reservoir and wicks often to deter the growth of bacteria and mold. Distilled water is best to use. Tap water is filled with minerals that can clog the system.

Be sure to rinse the reservoir with white vinegar or bleach every week. Our staff at All Hours Air strives to do all we can to help you have a safe, warm winter. 

If you have any questions or concerns about the humidity levels in your home, we are happy to answer any questions. Call us today at 775-376-9908 and let our professional staff put your mind at ease concerning a warm, healthy living environment.

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