DIY Central Air Conditioning Repair & Troubleshooting

The thing about air conditioner is you don’t know there is a problem unless it’s a hot day and a day you need your cold air. Having air conditioning problems is not something any homeowner wants to deal with on a hot Nevada summer day. The best way to rectify this is to get yourself…
6 reasons not to skip a spring AC Tune-up in Sparks – Reno

An air-conditioning system iѕ a vital аѕѕеt tо аnу hоmе оr business in Sparks – Reno. Indооr аir quаlitу and соmfоrt iѕ inсrеdiblу imроrtаnt especially during the summer season that is why you don’t need to skip a Spring AC tune-up. Thеrе are ѕеvеrаl аdvаntаgеѕ tо сlеаning уоur air-conditioning unit bеfоrе springtime bеginѕ. Juѕt bесаuѕе…
Selecting the Best Air Conditioner Unit For Your Reno Home

Summer arrives and you find yourself dripping with sweat because your air conditioner is no longer running properly. Or even worse, you opted not to install a new AC to save money, it’s time to rethink the plan. While not all air conditioning repairs are as costly as you think, now may be a chance…
Cleaning Your Window AC Unit, Avoid Mold and Mildew

Indoor window air conditioners are famous for more than just cooling an area. Not many people are aware that the vents inside the units are a breeding ground for black mold and mildew. Even though condensation runs from it to the outdoors, the build-up forms in and around the ducts and coils as the cold…
Do I Really Need an Air Conditioner Tune-Up Every Year?

Spring is here which means those hot summer days and nights are right around the corner. If you haven’t broken down and turned on your AC by now, you can bet it is just a matter of time before you can no longer take the heat and fire your unit up. Most homeowners know that…
Thermostat Replacement Reno-Just How Smart Is Yours?

While cooling and heating systems vary from region to region, most Reno area homes rely on central heating and air to keep their living area comfortable. The thermostat you have in your home is the brains of whatever system you have in place. Should you consider a thermostat replacement or upgrade? Most people don’t consider…
Air Conditioning Tune-ups and Why They Are Important
Just like your vehicle, your air conditioning system is one big moving part that needs regular servicing to keep it running safely, reliably and efficiently. The last thing you want is to find yourself stuck without cool air on the hottest day of the summer, which is also the busiest time for service technicians. It’s…
5 Simple Ways To Reduce Your Summer Cooling Costs In Reno / Sparks

With summer approaching fast, if you don’t get a handle on keeping your house cool, you could be looking at a massive bill with oncoming heat waves. Believe it or not, according to the US Department of Energy, nearly half of a home’s energy cost comes from cooling and heating. Here are some helpful ways…
HVAC Spring Checklist
To keep warm during winter, you probably used your heating system extensively. But now winter is finally coming to a close, and we can rest assured that spring is just about to begin. Since we can open our windows and enjoy springtime’s nice cool breeze, we won’t rely on our heating and cooling systems much…
Water Leaking From AC Vents? Here’s How to Fix It
Seeing water leaking from your air conditioning vents can be especially alarming for homeowners. It brings up thoughts of damage to the walls, mold growth and repair costs. It’s among the most common concerns that homeowners have about their HVAC systems, but it’s usually a minor problem that can be remedied quickly with the help…